Hi, I am Max, Father of 2 girls and a boy and husband of Sibel.
I'm a tech enthousiast and was working as a softwaredeveloper before my brain damage due to a neuroborreliosis.
Right now I'm interested in indieweb, php, node, genealogy, ukuleles and building them.
You can find my Genealogy site at Westen Genealogy and the backstories at FamWesten.nl.
I've added the Dynamic sitemap add-on to my Statamic Add-ons page
Enjoy !!
Since running my own sites, I've been using several techniques to keep the site running.
In 1996 when I started having my own site just HTML with javascript, in 1997 I started toying around with some vanilla PHP sites and in 2001 I put up some sites with phpNuke. In 2003 I started using Drupal and in 2005 I settled with Wordpress.
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