Hi, I am Max Westen, Father of 2 girls and a boy and husband of Sibel.

I'm a tech enthousiast and was working as a softwaredeveloper before my brain damage due to a neuroborreliosis.

Right now I'm interested in indieweb, php, node, genealogy, ukuleles and building them.

You can find my Genealogy site at Westen Genealogy and the backstories at FamWesten.nl.

Last 5 posts:

These are the last 5 posts on this site. To see more go to the Blog page or one of it sub-categories.

Will there be a new site design for the upcoming CakePHP 1.2 release ?

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If you use a setup like I explained in my previous post calling the bake script involves a lot of typing with the core and app parameter paths.

If I want to call the bake script from the /Users/mwesten/Sites/dev/myapp cake app folder, it has to be done like this:

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If you are getting the following errors while trying to bake something on osx 10.4:

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When developing on my system I like to use only one version of the core files. If I update the core files from svn it gets updated for all apps I'm working on.

The way I'm using this is explained below:

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As cakebaker states:

The use of "Model/field" in the formhelper has been deprecated in CakePHP 1.2. In CakePHP 1.1 you would call:


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