When developing on my system I like to use only one version of the core files. If I update the core files from svn it gets updated for all apps I'm working on.

The way I'm using this is explained below:

In my web-root I do an svn export of cake latest:

cd /Users/mwesten/Sites
svn export https://svn.cakephp.org/repo/branches/1.2.x.x/ cake1.2.x.x

Now we have the latest core files on our system.

If I like to create an app I'll do the following:

cp -R /Users/mwesten/Sites/cake1.2.x.x/app /Users/mwesten/Sites/dev/myapp

Then I change the following file to point to the correct core files:

mate /Users/mwesten/Sites/dev/myapp/webroot/index.php

Then add the line

define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', '/Users/mwesten/Sites/cake1.2.x.x');

before the part saying:

 * Do not change

If you go to the page http://localhost/dev/myapp/ it then shows the cakephp welcome page.

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