In CakePHP 1.1 if you need to display an image or piece of HTML with a link to an action, you need to instruct cake NOT to escape the contents of the "Title" attribute with the last false statement like this:

Adult Resignation To Whom It May Concern:

I am hereby officially tendering my resignation as an adult.

I have decided I would like to accept the responsibilities of a 6 year old again:

Okay…... the 26th of november 2005 we’ve moved. Since then we were not able to make use of the Internet because of troubles with our Cable-provider @Home.

a lot of boxes

For the next three weeks the walls will be filled with boxes. Would be nice to skip this part of the move ;o)

Unfortunately I had to take the “Westen” genealogy offline, due to a heavy serverload.The information that was sent to me by a couple of people will be entered in the genealogy too.