After being part of their highly skilled team for over 17 months I've decided to leave Ibuildings. I'd like to thank Ivo for believing in me and helping me out if needed. I've learned a lot and it's been a privilege to work there.

The problem:

I love Textmate as an editor period.

There are some things though that I started missing while developing:

In my previous post we installed the latest apache and php from source and now I'd like to install xDebug to it. As stated in the comments on the previous post, I like living on the edge, so I build it myself, instead of using packages like MAMP or XAMMP or using binaries. With that out of the way we can prepare our system for the addition of PHP modules.

Because I travel a lot by train, it's easy to have a local development environment with me. Because OSX Leopard contains Apache2 and PHP 5.2.6, I installed MySQL, ZF, PEAR, setup the vhost conf for apache and added the path to the ZF and PEAR libraries to /etc/php.ini. This seemed to work fine for a day or two, but after that I needed to use the PDO_MySQL library. This didn't really work... The fact is that PDO_SQLite and PDO_SQLite2 are compiled along the installed PHP library, but PDO_MySQL isn't... Big FAIL!.

So, we'll have to setup a new PHP/Apache2 combo.....

If you're working a lot with remote sessions like I do, you inevitably type a command in the wrong window... Most of the time it's something harmless like an ls or an cd command, but if you're trying to clean stuff up with an rm command things can get bad.

The easiest way to differentiate between local and remote sessions or different remote sessions is changing the background-color. When switching terminal, you immediately see/know where you are, without looking at the prompt or the window-title. So how do we implement this in the standard OSX Leopard ?